Monday, February 11, 2008

RMSP Weekend

I spent the weekend in Jacksonville at a Rocky Mountain School of Photography weekend workshop. It was a really great experience. Although I would have liked to see a little "in the field" instruction, the five class sessions that I attended were really helpful. I'm looking forward to taking my new lessons out on the road! Although I didn't do a whole lot of shooting, I did take some pictures at dinner at The Landings. I'm really looking forward to relying a lot less on the automatic settings on my camera and moving to the manual settings. The two pictures below were a result of one of the classes I took, Using the Zone System for Color. The first shot was using the automatic night time mode on my camera. The second was taken using the manual setting and applying the zone system method.

I then proceeded to have a photo shoot with Jon and a lemon at dinner. It took me about 30 shots to get those, but I suppose that's the reason to have a digital camera!

I had a really great time at the workshop, and would love the opportunity to go to the school... we'll see if that happens! In the meantime, I'm really excited about practicing all the new techniques that I learned. The photos below are two others I took at The Jacksonville Landings.